January 23, 2011


            Dengan kelajuan internet yang ada sekarang, kenapa perlu keluar kalau anda boleh cari hamper semua benda dengan beberapa klik online? Jika dulu I wrote about Carsifu, sekarang saya akan berkongsi satu lagi laman web which I had stumbled upon recently. Laman web yang dimaksudkan ialah “Propwall”

      Perkara pertama yang saya perasan tentang laman web ini ialah bagaimana ia menggunakan background berwarna putih dengan design yang tidak terlampau serabut berwarna biru. Bagi saya, ia amat memudahkan pengunjung laman web untuk melihat dengan jelas segala maklumat yang dipaparkan di laman web ini. Yang kedua, cara maklumat disusun bagi memudahkan pengunjung melihat dengan jelas juga adalah sangat teratur. Lihat saja pada Home page Propwall, ia terbahagi kepada beberapa bahagian seperti Top properties, Most Wanted Properties, Hot for Sale, Hot for Rent dan lain-lain lagi. Bagi yang mahu mencari rumah mengikut kawasan juga, pilihan-pilihan kawasan disediakan bagi memudahkan anda memilih rumah idaman anda.
           Selain itu, bagi mereka yang teragak-agak hendak membuat keputusan boleh mendapatkan jawapan mereka dengan mengemukakan soalan mereka di bahagian Answers. Di situ, khidmat nasihat diberikan secara percuma oleh pakar hartanah di Propwall. 

            Bagi yang sudah membuat keputusan rumah mana yang mengikut citarasa anda tetapi pening hendak mengira jumlah yang perlu dibayar dan lain-lain, laman web ini menyediakan mortgage calculator bagi memudahkan pengiraan! Seperti laman web yang lain, selain mencari hartanah, anda juga boleh memilih untuk mengiklankan hartanah anda. Ini semua boleh dibuat secara percuma die Propwall.

            Laman web ini dikatakan laman web hartanah yang terbesar dan mempunyai lebih 2000 artikel tentang analisis hartanah dan lebih 80,000 gambar-gambar hartanah yang berkualiti tinggi. Jika anda salah seorang yang sedang mencari hartanah, klik saja link di atas dan mulakan pencarian anda!

December 13, 2010

Laman Web Kereta

Baru-baru ini terdapat banyak laman web yang baru dibina bertujuan sebagai pasaran di mana pengguna mengakses sesebuah laman web untuk mencari barangan yang hendak dibeli dan penjual pula mengiklankan barangan dengan menggunakan laman web sebagai strategi pemasaran terbaru. Dengan cara ini lebih banyak orang yang akan mengetahui tentang barangan yang dijual itu dan ia dapat dijual beli dengan lebih mudah. Bagi pengangkutan seperti kereta yang memerlukan seseorang untuk membandingkan harga dan melihat-lihat kereta yang berada di pasaran, penggunaan laman web kereta contohnya seperti Carsifu.my amat memudahkan.

April 12, 2010

Group Assignment; Kes Pembuangan Bayi

Anak adalah harta yang paling berharga dikurniakan oleh Allah S.W.T yang tidak dapat digambarkan nilainya. Anak dikurniakan kepada pasangan suami isteri agar dididik dan diasuh menjadi anak yang soleh, tetapi tidak semua pasangan yang berkahwin dikurniakan anak. Maka sudah menjadi tanggungjawab kita sebagai ibu bapa menghargai anugerah yang diberikan.

Saban hari, banyak kes pembuangan bayi yang terpampang di dada-dada akhbar mahupun di kaca televisyen. Boleh dikatakan, hampir setiap hari terdapat kes-kes baru tentang pembuangan bayi. Apa yang lebih menyayatkan hati,bayi-bayi ini bukan hanya sekadar dibuang malah turut dibakar. Mereka seperti tidak mempunyai peri kemanusian langsung dan tergamak untuk bertindak sedemikian rupa dengan membuang bayi yang tidak berdosa tanpa ada belas kasihan.

Antara punca yang membawa kepada gejala pembuangan bayi adalah keruntuhan akhlak di kalangan remaja masa kini. Golongan remaja yang sedang meningkat usia ke alam dewasa menpunyai sifat ingin tahu dan ingin mencuba yang amat dalam, justeru pengaruh dari barat merupakan salah satu faktor utama keruntuhan akhlak remaja Malaysia. Sebagai contoh, dalam dunia hiburan yang dimonopoli oleh barat, mereka menjadikan gaya hidup sebagai inspirasi penghasilan filem, iklan dan muzik. Contohnya, cara berpakaian serta pergaulan bebas dan gaya hidup yang tiada batasan mempengaruhi anak muda. Perasaan ingin tahu mempengaruhi minda serta tingkahlaku remaja di Malaysia dan cenderong ke arah gaya hidup yang tidak sihat. Pergaulan bebas antara lelaki dan perempuan serta cara berpakaian yang mencolok mata menaikkan nafsu shahwat dan terjadinya anak-anak yang tidak beribu dan bapa.

Selain itu, ibu bapa turut memainkan peranan penting di dalam sesebuah institusi keluarga. Pada era serba moden ini , ibu bapa sibuk bekerjaya sehingga melupakan tanggungjawab kepada anak-anak. Kebanyakkan ibu bapa gemar menghantar anak-anak mereka di bawah jagaan orang lain yang membawa kepada kurangnya kasih sayang daripada ibu bapa. Di sini, bermulanya perasaan memberontak dan biadap terhadap ibu bapa dan ini membawa kepada adanya anak-anak yang terbiar. Selain itu, keruntuhan rumahtangga juga memainkan peranan penting kepada wujudnya anak-anak terbiar. Pergaulan tanpa pengawasan anak-anak terbiar ini menjadikan mereka bebas melakukan apa-apa sahaja mengikut hawa nafsu. Oleh itu, lahirnya anak-anak luar nikah dan membawa kepada pembuangan bayi secara berleluasa.

Kurang didikan agama merupakan salah satu punca lain yang membawa kepada gejala pembuangan bayi. Ibu bapa,jiran tetangga dan masyarakat memainkan peranan penting dalam mendidik anak-anak muda agar menjadi insan yang berakhlak tigggi selaras bagi melahirkan modal insan yang berguna. Kekurangan didikan agama menjadikan remaja tidak tahu membezakan antara halal dan haram serta akibat daridapa tingkahlaku tiada faedah mereka. Oleh kerana tiada ilmu di dada, maka mereka terlibat dalam kancah seks bebas tanpa mengenal dosa. Tidak cukup dengan melakukan satu dosa ditambah pula dosa membuang anak yang tidak sempat menatap wajah ibu bapanya sendiri. Apa yang lebih menyayatkan hati, anak-anak tersebut di buang tanpa rasa bersalah, belas kasihan serta sifat keperimanusiaan sebagai seorang ibu kepada anak kecil tersebut.

Bagi membendung gejala pembuangan bayi yang makin menular “ bagai cendawan yang tumbuh selepas hujan” dalam masyarakat masa kini, hukuman sedia ada harus digubal agar lebih tegas dan berat terhadap pesalahlaku jenayah ini. Hukuman sedia ada dilihat seperti belum mampu untuk menanggani masalah ini. Pesalah tidak gentar dengan hukuman yang diberikan dan tidak serik untuk mengulangi perbuatan terkutuk tersebut. Seharusnya, kerajaan melaksanakan hukuman mengikut undang-undang Islam yang lebih tegas dan berat. Undang-undang ini dilihat lebih efisyen bagi menggerunkan orang ramai untuk tidak melakukan perbuatan yang terlarang tersebut. Selain itu, kerajaan juga harus mencari mekanisme baru bagi menangani masalah ini ibarat barah yang sedang menular dalam masyarakat sekarang dengan menghantar mereka yang bersalah ini ke pusat-pusat pemulihan akhlak agar mereka bertaubat dan menginsafi diri. Di sana, mereka akan diberikan didikan agama yang secukupnya serta ilmu-ilmu berguna untuk masa hadapan. Selama ini, kerajaan hanya menitikberatkan soal pemulihan dadah yang semakin meruncing dan hanya memandang sebelah mata tentang permasalahan ini tanpa membuat sebarang tindakan. Kini, kerajaan harus memainkan peranaan dalam menanggani masalah ini agar lebih ramai bayi yang tidak berdosa dibuang.

Selain itu, kerajaan juga boleh mengenakan hukuman sebat kepada pesalah yang melakukan kesalahan pembuangan bayi. Dengan cara ini, sedikit sebanyak boleh menakutkan orang ramai untuk melakukan pembuangan anak dan tidak akan mengulangi kesalahan tersebut. Dengan hukuman berat yang dikenakan oleh kerajaan, sedikit sebanyak dapat mengurangkan kes ini dan menjadi salah satu kebiasaan cara hidup di Malaysia. Kerajaaan seharusnya bekerjasama dengan agensi-agensi lain seperti Kementrian Wanita dan Masyarakat, Jabatan Agama Islam dan pertubuhan-pertubuhan bukan kerajaan lain dan berunding dalam satu meja bulat bagi mencari hukuman yang sesuai dalam menangani masalah ini yang makin meruncing saban hari.

Kesimpulannya, semua pihak haruslah memainkan peranan yang penting dalam membendung masalah ini dan tidak mengamalkan sikap seperti enau dalam belukar melepaskan pucuk masing-masing. Isu pembuangan bayi ini bukan lagi isu remeh dan semua pihak harus memandang serius terhadap masalah ini sejajar dengan hasrat kerajaan untuk melahirkan modal insan yang berkualiti,inovasi dan kreatif bagi mencapai Wawasan 2020.

April 7, 2010

Assignment 3; Feature Profile

“Shush girl shut your lips,
Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.

I said, Shush girl shut your lips,
Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.”
Helen Adam Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia Alabama. She was born normal like other kids but when she was one and a half years old, Helen was infected by meningitis leaving her both deaf and blind. Since then, Helen grew wild and unruly. She became a very difficult child, smashing dishes and lamps and terrorising the whole household with her screaming and temper tantrums. Relatives regarded her as a monster and thought she should be put into an institution.

By the time she was six, Helen’s parent were convinced that she will never be able to see or hear again. They became desperate and contacted Alexander Graham Bell. Yes, the telephone inventor. Only Bell was not just a telephone inventor, he was also a teacher for the deaf. When Bell met Keller, he sensed her innate intelligence and suggested that the family hire a young tutor named Anne Sullivan.

Anne Sullivan herself was partially blind, and at the age of 21 she was asked to live with Keller family and work with Helen. Her method to teach Helen was simple, it was how to spell words with her hands. This method is also called the manual alphabet, which is part of the sign language that deaf people use. Helen’s first word was “D-O-L-L” while the second word was “C-A-K-E”. Even though Helen could repeat the finger movement, she has no idea what it means.

One day, when Anne had Helen’s hand under the water and spell W-A-T-E-R on Helen’s other palm, a miracle happened and something about the water makes Helen begin to understand. On the day itself, Helen insisted that Anne spell the name of everything she touches including Anne’s name. She learned thirty words on that very day.

Since then, Helen started progressing, by the time she was ten, she learned to speak by touching Anne’s mouth when she talked. Even though people find it hard to understand her, she keeps on trying and by the time she was twenty, she entered Radcliffe College and graduated with a degree. Three years later Helen published her first book, “The Story of My Life” which was written with two typewriters, the regular and Braille. Later, she comes out with ten more books and countless articles.
The next big thing Helen and Anne did was they filled the following years with lecture tours, speaking of her experiences and beliefs to enthralled crowds. Her talks were interpreted sentence by sentence by Anne Sullivan, and were followed by question and answer sessions.
By October 1961 Helen suffered the first of a series of strokes, and her public life was to draw to a close. She spent her remaining years being cared for at her home. By the end of her life, in 1964, Helen was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian award, by President Lyndon Johnson. A year later she was elected to the Women's Hall of Fame at the New York World's Fair.

Helen Keller died at the age of eighty-eight on June 1, 1968. Her legacy lives on as Foundations and Institutes are formed to continue the work of putting an end to blindness. The Helen Keller Prize is awarded to those who focus the attention of the public on the matter of vision research.

The main reason why I love Helen Keller is because I adore her will to live, and to be successful in this world even though she has lost the sight and not being able to hear. That motivates me to live my life and never give up no matter what happen.

March 8, 2010

Assignment 2; Product Review

picture courtesy of Google

If you are staying anywhere around Petaling Jaya or had always spent your weekend wandering around the flea market in Amcorp Mall please do not tell me that you have not been to the place in the picture above. No, anyone? See, if you had been there before you would have guess what my review is going to be on but if you have not been there, then read on and I will make sure that you are clear about it and making BookXcess your first stop right after you finish reading this.

a.     Like any other bookstore, BookXcess sells a wide ranging of books. They have books for youngsters such as Little Miss and Mr. Men and Enid Blytons’ series. Besides that, they also provide books for teenagers and that include The Angel Uncovered Series and Brisingr. For romantic book lovers too, they have 4 racks full of books that include popular authors such as Cecilia Aherns’ and Paige Toons’. As for fiction lovers too, they had a few rack of them that includes popular author like Stephen King. Other than that, they also sell health book such as Pilates for Beginner and not forgetting people that are looking for special interest book like Digital Photographic Capture or those who are into gardening, biographies and even reference book for students! For this review, the target audience would be those with interests as stated above and cannot afford the usual price at standard bookstores.

       Maybe what stated above has not quite catch your interest yet but let me ask you this, how many times have you wanted to buy books and when you turn it over to look for the price tag, you decided that it is too pricey so you decided to put it back.  As for me, a girl with a fixed monthly allowance, I admit that it had always happened to me whenever I was at standard bookstores like MPH, Kinokuniya or even Popular Bookstore but that was before I found out about Book Xcess. The first time I was there, I decided to just take a look around and when I turned one of those book to read the review, the price tag caught my eyes and I gasped, not being able to say a thing but making nonverbal communication trying to catch my brother’s attention while mouthing to him that the book is very cheap. Yes, I repeat, very cheap. I ended up spending more than RM100 and being member of the shop the first time I went there since I was too excited buying books. Why not kill two birds at one time, right?

Plus, unlike the shop next door to BookXcess which sells second-hand books, BookXcess sells a brand new book in a terrific condition, only with low price. When asked why is their book very cheap, the assistant explained that it is because of publishers sometimes overprint their books and cannot sell them to standard bookstores so they received those books at discounted price, that is why they can sell us good books at such low prices.
For people with limited money and still wished to buy books, BookXcess would be a perfect place for you because you can not only get your desired book with low price, bear in your mind that it is also brand new.  However, since they received their supplies from publishers with overprinted books, we have to wait for quite a while before it is up for grab in the bookstore compared to other standard bookstores. For example, when I wanted to get my copy of PS I Love You by Cecilia Ahern, I had to wait until around one month before getting my own copy of a cheaper PS I Love You.

To avoid burdening the customers, having to pop up every week at the stores when they are waiting for the book they desired, Book Xcess had listed their booklist at their website and it is updated every time new stocks came in which is usually monthly. However, the negative point of it is that even though we could scroll through the list of wide range of books, we could never find local books in the list since BookXcess’s suppliers are all international.

the membership card.

Other than that, despite the cheap books they are selling, I think they should have given more discounts for their members. To get a membership card, customers have to spend more than RM100 in a single receipt and after being a member, they will enjoy 5% discount on purchases of RM50 and above or 10% discount for purchases RM150 and above.  If you ask me, they should make the point collection system like Bonuslink because sometimes people just cannot afford to spend their RM50 only for books and plus, if it is the point collection system, customers could enjoy benefit like exchanging the points to books when their points has reach certain amount and that way they will feel more appreciated rather than buying something less than RM50 and not being rewarded anything. Talking about members being appreciated, BookXcess’s member is given priority when it comes to being notified when new stocks came in and members are always the first to be informed when they are having their sale through e-mail.
Despite having to wait for certain books to be sell in the store, I would say that BookXcess still gets my vote compared to other standard bookstores since it offers wide range of books at a very low price. With low price like they have in BookXcess, I am sure the rate of Malaysian readers will increase because I believe that sometimes people wants to read but they cannot seems to afford books with such high price at standard bookstores, like me!

some of the books I purchased in BookXcess.

"These two Edward Monkton er.. picture books cost 5.99 POUNDS on Amazon.co.uk, which comes up to almost fifty ringgit! EACH! And guess how much I got them for at BookXcess? RM14.90 EACH." -Eyeris.
"I just found book xcess today and I'm simply amazed at the variety of books they have and the impressive quality of service. I love the atmosphere there....such freedom of spirit! Wish there were more outlets all over the city & country." -Audrey.

"It is true that their books are cheap. It is not purely a claim! I am addicted to books there xD" -Aimee.

With all the impressive testimonials above, I doubt that there is anything else to  add. What are you guys waiting for? Grab your purse and rush to BookXcess now!

Contacting BookXcess:

click thumbnails for larger image.



BookXcess, FAQ. BookXcess. Retrieved on March 3, 2010 from http://www.bookxcess.com/

Time Out, VenuesBookXcess. Retrieved on March 3, 2010 from http://www.timeoutkl.com/books/venues/Book-Xcess

January 28, 2010

Assignment 1; About Me.

Writing About Me assignment had always gives me a headache since I had never know where to start and I know better than to start my About Me with the common "My name is Hani Shamira Shahrudin" sentences. Oh well, now you already know my name. I usually go with the name Hani or Hun and I'm turning 20 this year. It is funny that my teen life has come to it ends and the fact that I always accidentally told people that I am 19 because I forgot that it had past new year already.
First and foremost, let me start with my family and education background. Like any normal family, I have a father and a mother and I am thankful that they are still here, even though they can be too protective that it annoys me. Next, I have two big brothers that always managed to make my life miserable and there was I, the youngest one in the family tree. I had studied in a few kindergartens and primary schools and graduated from SMK TTDI Jaya by the end of 2007 then I was accepted into UiTM Melaka doing my Diploma in MassCommunication. However, before I graduated my Diploma I was offered to do Fast Track degree and I am currently taking Interpersonal Communication in UiTM Shah Alam.
Frankly, I had joined Blogger for more than a year but I recently created this account since it was a requirement for my LIB401 subject which is taught by Miss Hamimda Agil. The idea of blogging as an assignment scares me at first since I am not used to having people looking through and criticizing my assignment but I guess I just have to take it as a challenge.
Talking about the blog itself, I chose http://hunotherpedia.blogspot.com as my url is because is easy to memorize, at least for me and I had always think of my blog as my own reference book, something I could read again after a few years posting an entry. That is where the –pedia words makes sense. Other than that, I chose From LIB101 to LIB401 as the title of the blog because when I was doing my diploma, I had learned Thinking and Writing subject under the code LIB101 and when I entered degree, I learned the same subject again but under the code LIB401, so I guess it is an okay title.
Next would be about the content of this blog. The content of this blog would be strictly for educational purpose and posting would be made only when the very cute lecturer gives us (the classmates) topic to be posted on this blog. When assignment is given by the lecturer, I will try my very best to make a research and make sure my blog is filled with information from confirmed sources as well as my own perspectives.

Lastly, I welcome my readers to post a comment and give me your own perspectives and I assure you that your comment will be replied. Enjoy my encyclopedia and do come back often! :)
